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Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

What’s the Best Way to Prevent Furnace Repair Needs?

We all want our HVAC systems to last forever, right? While this may not be the case, it is possible for you to help it last as long as possible and prevent furnace repair needs at the same time. How’s that? By scheduling maintenance!

Heating maintenance is vital for your heater’s energy efficiency, longevity, and power. There are a number of tasks involved with this maintenance, and they should only ever be conducted by a professional. Why? Because we have the training and the expertise to do your tune-up as it should be done. What exactly happens during this maintenance appointment?

Here’s What We Do

  • We do a safety check, looking for things like a cracked heat exchanger that can leak carbon monoxide gas into your home.
  • We check your air filter to see if it needs to be changed. This is actually something homeowners should do every 1-3 months during heavy periods of HVAC use.
  • We check and test the combustion chamber of your furnace as well as the above-mentioned heat exchanger for functionality.
  • We clean the system thoroughly, including the burner compartment, and check the pilot safety timer, or the flame sensor.

These are just some of the steps we take, and there are a number of benefits to these steps, including:

Monetary Savings

Would you ever consider something like routine heating maintenance a long-term investment? If not, you should! We understand sometimes it’s hard to part with finances when paying for a service for your heater that it doesn’t seem like you need. If your heater is running, then it is working just fine, right? Maintenance is elective!

Well, you could have that attitude, but you’d actually be losing out on money. Maintenance isn’t going to magically raise the efficiency level of your furnace, but what it does do it help our team catch small repair needs before they become bigger, which means you’ll be spending less on repairs, and you won’t be due for an expensive replacement years before you should need it—thus saving you money.

Improved Comfort

There’s no way your heater can ever perform at its peak operating levels if it’s not properly cared for—meaning, if it’s not regularly maintained. Your heating system probably won’t break down on you completely just because you missed a single tune-up. However, its overall performance quality will be impaired.

You deserve the very best in comfort in your home! If you want this, then you need to schedule routine maintenance. Otherwise, your system will start experiencing problems, and you’ll find that you’re paying more for less comfort.

System Protection

Perhaps the biggest benefit of regular heating system maintenance is the fact that it actually protects the furnace itself. The last thing you need is to suffer a heating breakdown on the coldest night of the year, right? Of course not! This is exactly why we recommend you let us tune-up your furnace on an annual basis.

For quality maintenance and furnace repair in Martinez, CA, contact Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning today!

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