How to Take Care of Your AC To Prevent Repairs

July 17th, 2023

Unexpected breakdowns of any kind can really throw a wrench in your plans. The good news is, you can prevent surprise air conditioning breakdowns simply by taking care of your unit. While professional maintenance is important, the key to taking care of your unit lies in monthly homeowner maintenance. 

When you do need Lafayette AC repair, Our team will be here to help and get your air conditioner back working again as quickly as possible with little interruption. You can keep reading to learn more about ways that you can take care of your air conditioner to make sure that you stay ahead of air conditioning repairs and even potentially prevent them altogether.

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5 Signs You Need Furnace Repair

July 3rd, 2023

Furnace issues can run the gamut from something as simple as an unusual noise to something as problematic as short cycling. Having a reliable heating system is essential when temperatures drop. That’s why as a homeowner, it’s important to know the signs that you need furnace repair. Let’s go over 5 signs that warrant a call for an appointment.

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8 Ways To Maximize Your AC’s Efficiency

June 19th, 2023
cardboard house in the hand against the blue sky

Have you ever thought about how much energy your HVAC system uses? It’s certainly worth your while to think about it! That’s because your home’s heating and cooling systems make up almost half of your home’s energy usage.

In order to save money on utility bills while also saving the planet with eco-friendly energy usage, it helps to know the ways that you can maximize your AC’s efficiency. Check out the 8 helpful tips below. By integrating as many of them as you can into your daily routine, you’ll save money by reducing your energy usage.

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Why Is My AC Short Cycling?

June 5th, 2023

When it comes to AC repair, there are some issues that should be addressed sooner than others. One of these issues is short cycling. Not only does short cycling result in your home never cooling down properly, but it also causes enormous wear and tear to your system.

You need to know what short cycling is in order to understand why it’s bad. Short cycling occurs when your AC turns on, runs for 5-10 minutes, then turns itself off without completing a cooling cycle. Because startup requires the most energy, this frequent startup is bad for the system.

Let’s go over 4 common reasons behind short cycling. That way, you’ll know what to expect when you call for air conditioning repair.

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The Ultimate Eco-Friendly Choices for AC Installation

May 22nd, 2023

Did you know that your HVAC system is the biggest energy user in your home? Together, your air conditioning and heating make up about 46% of your home’s annual energy consumption. That’s almost half!

More and more homeowners want to reap the benefits of eco-friendly systems in their homes. And as the biggest consumer of energy, choosing a “green” air conditioner is a great way to not only reduce your carbon footprint but also decrease your energy usage. 

If you’re in the market for a new AC system, let’s go over your options with eco-friendliness being the most important factor under consideration.

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Why Is Ice Forming on My AC’s Evaporator Coil?

May 8th, 2023

A common question that we get from homeowners during the summer is: Why is ice forming on my AC’s evaporator coil? Although you might think that the appearance of ice on an air conditioner is normal–after all, it’s a system designed to make things cold–it’s an indication that something is wrong with your AC. 

Ice should never appear on any part of your AC system. Not only does the ice itself create a problem, but the reason why the ice is forming may be an even worse issue. Let’s go over why your AC ices over in the first place and what it can possibly mean. That way, if you see this happening with your air conditioning in Walnut Creek, you’ll know what to expect. 

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What’s Causing That Annoying Noise From My AC?

April 24th, 2023

We’re well into spring and by now, you’ve probably had a chance to determine how well your air conditioner is doing so far this season. How would you rate its performance? Is it quietly and efficiently cooling your home down to your desired temperature? Or does it seem like it’s taking longer than usual?

A surefire way to tell if your AC is struggling is to give it a listen. Just like any complex piece of machinery, your AC will make noises when it’s having a hard time doing its job. Booming, hissing, screeching, and bubbling are all annoying noises you don’t want to hear from your AC. Let’s go over each one and what the possible cause is.

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Is Your Thermostat to Blame for AC Issues?

April 10th, 2023

When the hot weather hits our area, no one wants to have to do without their air conditioner for even a few hours. When your AC isn’t running like you expect it to, it can cause a feeling of panic as you wonder what’s going on. 

Sometimes, the problem isn’t with your AC but is instead with your thermostat. Although it’s rare that the issue originates with the thermostat itself, something could be interrupting its performance, leading to disruptions in communication between the thermostat and your air conditioner.

With so many homeowners upgrading to smart thermostats, some of these things can occur as people grapple with the learning curve. If you suspect that the cooling of your home is due to needing thermostat repair, we’re here to help. In the meantime, here are some troubleshooting tips to see if it’s something you can handle yourself. If you check all of this to no avail, then give us a call.

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Get a Jump on Allergy Season With a Whole House Air Purifier

March 27th, 2023

Spring is here and if you suffer from allergies, you know what that means: it’s time to break out the antihistamines, eye drops, nose sprays, and Kleenex. If you’ve had to put up with allergy symptoms for a while, you’ve undoubtedly done all your research and have figured out what works best to alleviate your symptoms. But have you ever considered how much the air in your home contributes to your allergy symptoms? 

It’s time to take a serious look at your indoor air quality (IAQ) to see if it’s contributing to your allergies. Read on to learn how poor IAQ exacerbates allergies and how a system like a whole house air purifier can help.

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Why Are NATE and EPA Certifications Important?

March 13th, 2023

When your home needs air conditioning service, you can’t rely on just anyone. There are a lot of factors to take into consideration when choosing an HVAC company to handle your precious home comfort systems. Many homeowners know that they should choose an HVAC contractor whose technicians are licensed and insured. But what other qualifications should you look for?

In your search for qualified air conditioning technicians, you may come across the terms “NATE certified” and “EPA certified.” Having these qualifications is very desirable and we’re not just saying that because we have a full staff of NATE and EPA-certified technicians. Let’s look at what these designations mean and why they’re surefire signs you’ve found a knowledgeable and reliable company.

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