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Hometown Heating and Air Conditioning Blog

Choosing Rooftop HVAC Units for Your Business


The most common option for providing air conditioning and heating to a commercial space is through the use of packaged rooftop HVAC units. You are probably familiar with this setup, even if you don’t realize it. You’ve likely seen them on top of most commercial buildings, and they’re really popular locations for action movie scenes!

But rooftop units serve a far more important purpose than for fictional “bad guys” to hide behind or give heroes a place to run for safety. They are the premier choice for many business owners for a reason. Read on to learn more!

The Benefits of Rooftop HVAC Units

Rooftop units save space. This is the number one reason that HVAC units ever started getting installed on the tops of buildings–because there was no other space available! Early commercial air conditioners and heating systems had to be added onto structures that were in the center of crowded downtown areas, where there was no space to be had!

Up on the rooftop, these HVAC systems don’t take up otherwise valuable real-estate that typically goes to parking lots or structures. Plus, on the roof, they are less prone to vandalism or other types of damage.

Rooftop units are highly efficient. Modern rooftop systems are available as high-efficiency systems (SEER and HSPF)–higher than other options for commercial cooling and heating. Additionally, they have more ventilation options available. For example, you can have a humidistat installed to improve air quality in your commercial space.

Rooftop units are easy to access. We don’t say this because we want you to access your HVAC systems. We don’t recommend that all! What we do recommend, is that you have rooftop units installed because they’re easier for our team to access this way.

This means whether it’s installing a new unit, or maintaining one that you already have, we can get to them without causing a business interruption or some other disruption inside your commercial space.

Rooftop units are quiet. You’ve probably noticed that usually, you do not hear the noise of a heating system or air conditioner inside of a workplace–only the slight whooshing of air. This is because rooftop HVAC systems store all their mechanical components, like the compressor and the fans, far away from the working space.

Rooftop units are modular. If you’re ever on the rooftop of a typical commercial building, or if you look at a commercial building across the street to see their roof, you’ll see multiple packaged HVAC units. This is because rooftop systems are designed to be modular–they can grow as a business does. This is something that just isn’t possible when you’re using a conventional split-system air conditioner that requires indoor components too.

Contact Us for Your Commercial HVAC Needs

When you need reliable commercial HVAC needs, from installation to maintenance and repairs, we’re the team to contact! Commercial HVAC systems aren’t something you want to leave to just anyone who calls themselves an HVAC installer or repair professional. These systems are far more complex than residential systems, and therefore require specialized training to handle.

For professional services on commercial HVAC in Pleasant Hill, CA, contact Hometown Heating & Air Conditioning today!

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