Why You Need to Change Your AC Filter Regularly

September 12th, 2022

In our previous blog post, we talked about the difference between an air filter and an air filtration system. We mentioned how an HVAC air filter is not enough to improve your indoor air quality. But that doesn’t mean that your air filter doesn’t have a very important job! It is tasked with keeping debris out of the system, helping it to perform at its best.

Changing the air filter has a huge impact on your air conditioner, contributing to its effectiveness, efficiency, and even longevity. Read on to learn just why you need to change your air conditioner’s filter on a regular basis (every 1-3 months during periods of system use).

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The Difference Between an Air Filter and Air Filtration System

August 15th, 2022

Given their names, it’s likely that many people believe that an air filter is the same thing as an air filtration system, but this isn’t the case. An air filtration system is comprehensive, and includes air filters.

Most of the time, when you hear the term air filter in a discussion about HVAC systems, what you’re hearing about is the air filter that comes standard with your heating and/or cooling systems. This air filter is not designed to protect your indoor air quality, but rather it is in place to protect the interior components of the HVAC system itself from dust, dirt, and other debris that can get inside and damage its sensitive components.

An air filtration system is a whole-home indoor air quality product that makes your air healthier and cleaner to breathe. Read on to learn more!

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“Do I Need to Worry about Insulation in the Summer?”

August 1st, 2022

If you’re like the average homeowner, you probably associate insulation with cold weather, right? We don’t blame you if you do! After all, it’s wintertime when we want and need to be protected from the cold, and more insulation will help you get that protection. While it may not get as bitterly cold here as it does in other parts of the country, we want to stay warm too!

Insulation is about more than protecting you from the cold, though. It actually benefits your comfort just as much in the summertime as it does during the winter. This is because the job of insulation is to block heat transfer, whether in or out. Read on to learn more!

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Call Us If You Hear This From Your AC…

July 18th, 2022

With heat waves here and more expected this summer, now is the time to make sure that your air conditioner is in great shape and able to handle any hot temperatures that come its way.

Hopefully, you’ve already had springtime maintenance done for your air conditioner. Maintenance allows our technicians to comprehensively inspect, clean, and adjust the components that need it. All of this helps your air conditioner operate as efficiently and effectively as possible, for as long as possible.

Maintenance tune-ups prevent up to 85% of repair needs, helps your system retain up to 95% of its original efficiency rating throughout its lifetime, and helps ensure that your air conditioner can actually last its intended lifespan (10-15 years).

The good news is, it’s not too late to schedule this service! This is definitely a case of “better late than never.” In the meantime, it’s always a good idea to be aware of what noises are abnormal when your AC is running. If you hear any of these, whether you skipped maintenance or are diligent about having it done annually, it’s time to give us a call for repairs!

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Try These Methods to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality 

July 4th, 2022

Most homeowners in our area don’t realize that their indoor air quality can actually be worse than the quality of the air outside. At least, this is the case without the right indoor air quality products and services in place. You see, modern homes are built very “tightly,” disallowing any air to escape in or out through drafty windows and doors. This is great news for your HVAC efficiency, but not so awesome for air quality.

The problem is, if contaminants, allergens, or even excess humidity make their way in through an open door or even though your ductwork, it all gets trapped in your living space, with no way out. But there are indoor air quality solutions that can resolve this! Read on to learn about a few of them.

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Compressor Damage: AC Replacement Versus Repair

June 20th, 2022

Did you know that the compressor is the most essential component of your air conditioner? Well, that and refrigerant. Without either, your air conditioner would be nothing more than a very large and expensive fan.

So, if something goes wrong with the compressor, you might wonder if it’s worth repairing your air conditioner, or if the whole unit is doomed. This is a good question too! We don’t have an easy answer, but we’ll explain below to give you a bit more clarity.

Whatever you decide, you can count on our team to help you along. We’re also here to help you make an educated decision about how to best use your budget for your cooling needs. Read on to learn a bit more about this compressor repair/replace debate.

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How to Cool Your Home As Efficiently As Possible

June 6th, 2022

When you live somewhere that gets as warm as it does here in the San Ramon area, then it goes without saying that you need a powerful and effective air conditioner. But you also need it to be affordable, right? This is where its efficiency comes in.

Efficiency is the measurement of how much power your air conditioner consumes versus the output it gives you. Your air conditioner comes with a SEER rating (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) upon manufacturing, and the higher the SEER rating, the more efficient that system is.

But certain practices can help or hurt this SEER rating over the years. The good news is, this is in your control! Read on to learn how to ensure you’re using your cooling system as efficiently as possible.

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Signs Your Household Health Could Be Suffering

May 23rd, 2022

Spring has been progressing right along, and if you’re like a good number of people throughout Concord and the surrounding area, that means allergy season is progressing right along too! This might mean you’re outdoors sneezing, or trying to relieve your scratchy eyes, or wondering if that dry and itchy throat is anything more than allergies.

Fortunately, you can look forward to getting home, swinging open the front door, and finding relief. But what if your indoor space doesn’t bring that relief?

Homeowners often don’t realize this, but their indoor air quality could actually be in worse shape than the quality of that outside. And for this problem, you may need to have a whole-home air purifier professionally installed. Read on to learn more!

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How to Tell If Your Air Conditioner Needs Professional Service

May 9th, 2022

Air conditioning repair is one of those services that no homeowner should ever put off. We understand the temptation to put it off. After all, if your system still seems operational–despite maybe a glitch or two–and you really don’t want to budget for repairs right now, why bother?

Consider this: By ignoring your AC repair needs, you risk the cooling system completely breaking down right when you need it the most–the hottest part of summer.

We encourage all Concord area homeowners to take care of their air conditioners as soon as they notice they need a repair. But… how do you know when you need a repair? You are not an AC expert, that’s our job! You can know the basics though, and that’s what we’re here to provide. Read on to learn the top signs that you need air conditioning repair.

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The Best Way to Prevent AC Repairs

April 25th, 2022

Nobody wants to face an unexpected or expensive AC repair when they need their system the most. And typically, you’ll never have to. That is, as long as you have your air conditioner professionally installed by a qualified team, and regularly maintained to keep in good shape.

Yes, maintenance tune-ups are the best way to prevent AC repairs. In fact, keeping up on your annual tune-ups can help you avoid up to 85% of the repairs your system may otherwise need! And that’s not the only benefit of maintenance–read on to learn more.

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